Need to Develop queue management., Virutal Ticket and apointement management system

Posted : 3 months ago    Posted By: Mahmood ul hassan
Category: Software Engineer
Member Since: 18/12/2024

Job Description


I am looking to build a custom software (integrated with web) and a mobile appplication for customer with following requirements:

- Queue management System (QMS)

- Virutal Ticket Management

- Apointement management system

We need admin portal where admin can assign access to different business types for the portals we are gonna develop.

And a mobile app for customers where they can scan QR code and take print of their bookings.

Following are our reference softwres:

We need at least 3 years of expert to consider this job and apply for it.

Please share your portfolio too, which softwares you have developed.

Thank you,


Share your previous softwares integrated with web you built

Who Applied Average Bid: $1000